Saturday, September 22, 2012

The Poem

It started as the first cool breeze after months of heat,

Then a single golden oak leaf on a tree,

The leaf soon turns a vibrant red,

Then ghostly drifts onto my head.

I read my poem out loud to Happy and Rainy, they seemed to approve of it.
"Wow, Berry! How do you come up with this stuff?" Happy exclaimed.
"Magic." I said, proudly.
"Berry, this is pure genius." Rainy said. "You should enter it in Melusina The Rabbit's poetry contest!"
I almost jumped out of my seat. A poetry contest? Poetry has always been my hobby! There are never any poetry contests around Jamaa! This is my chance!!

"Where do I sign up?" I asked excitedly.


  1. Lemme guess, you sign up near Otto's temple. Where you have to go ALL THE WAY BACK. TROLLOLOL

  2. Cool poem! :) I liked it very much. I hope there is more poetry later on. -lostfairy

    1. This was cool, except it was kinda short..


Heyyo! Berry the koala here! :D
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