Monday, September 3, 2012

Rainy's Journal: The Moose

I've gone from trying to find my friends, to wandering in search of places that might signal that I'm close to home. 
I look around at the terrain around me. Apparently I'm in... Mt. Shiveer? I've never heard of this place. Oh great, now I know I'm completely lost...
I cant even ask for directions because everyone here is speaking eastern Jamaasian. I REALLY should have studied this language back home. 

I collapse to the snow, my stubby legs cant take anymore of this walking. Some seals look over at me, whisper, then they shrug and get back to whatever seals do.
I sensed a shadow over me and looked up. There stood a... moose?
Well, I guess I shouldn't be surprised. I've heard moose live in cold places... so yeah.
The moose ran over to a bunch of bushes topped with ice, then beckoned me to follow. I did, then he moved the shrubs and snow away with his antlers, to reveal a bridge!
Yes! A way out! I followed the helpful moose across the bridge, a little closer to home.


  1. Why, welcome! Anything in return.... I must say, like a 1,000,000 cost of a sack of grass....

  2. Moose savior! -Bows before Moose repeatedly-

  3. I love meh derpies!
    Wow that was so random.
    ~Mrs. Derp
    Ok fine it's Katgoo.

  4. Rainy! You're so awesome!!!! :D Please sign my zucchini bread!
    P.S.- I got to meet you today! Wasn't that fun?!

    1. -Signs bread- There ya go!


Heyyo! Berry the koala here! :D
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