Saturday, August 4, 2012

The quest for Otto pt.1

Well, remember how I said I had a map? I forgot to pack it.
You know what's worse? I only realized it when we were very deep in the forest at night, lost.
"I should have remembered! Arrgh!" I complained.
"I think I remember this place..hmm...wait, no I don't." Happy was about as helpful as a leaf blower right now*.
After walking around in circles for half an hour, I sat down beside a tree, and gave up.
"This is hopeless." I sighed.
"There is always hope, Berry. You should never forget that!" Happy Jr. said optimistically.
"I guess you're right..." I said. We'll just have to wait until morning i guess..."
"I don't think that's possible.." Happy said. 
"Why?" Me and Happy Jr. both questioned in unison.
"There is one thing I remember. It is a 16 day hike to Otto from here. We must make it there in 15 days. No more no less."
"15 DAYS!? Why?" I exclaimed.
"15 is rumored to be Otto's favorite number."
There was silence.
"Ok, now I definitely know there is no hope." Said the little rock.
Then out from behind a bush, a yellow koala came out! YES! Maybe she knows the way!

"Hi, I'm Shiver. I am one of the guardians of the forest and overheard that you were lost."
"We need help finding–" 
"To get to Otto's temple, you must go to the right and head on. No time for breaks. After a while you realize that the trees are in perfect rows. Go down the one that appears at the center of your eye sight. The rest, I cant help you with."
Before we could even thank her, she disappeared!
"Well... Off we go." I said.

*Leaf blowers are extremely unhelpful. All they do is make noise.


  1. ElephantWolf Jr. (Sorry, sometimes my rock gets on)August 5, 2012 at 5:59 AM


  2. Leaf blowers ARE unhelpful! You're right.


Heyyo! Berry the koala here! :D
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